Didžioji Britanija

Informacijos, kuri gali būti naudinga jūsų kelionės.

Miestų Didžioji Britanija  
Šalies informacija šalies kodas: GB
kontinentas: Europa
sostinė: Londonas
kalbos: Anglų

ES narystė:
NATO narystė:

GSM: 900/1800/3G
GPS: 54 00 N, 2 00 W
elektra: 230V/50Hz

piniginis vienetas:
svaras sterlingas: GBP
1GBP = 1.875 USD
1GBP = 1.482 EUR

telefono kodas: +44-20

Kelionės patarimų ir įspėjimų Didžioji Britanija
UK Travellers' checks Traveler’s checks are the safest way to bring money to anywhere. You can purchase traveler's checks in British pounds through the international division of any large bank, but is highly recommended to get checks issued in dollars in case you are planning to go to another country. Most stores and restaurants, theaters or travel agencies readily accept MasterCard, Visa and to some extent, American Express charge cards.
Currency exchange You can change cash and traveller's cheques at British Banks, Building Societies, larger Post Offices, Travel Agents, some Tourist Information Centres, American Express, and Bureaux de Change. ATMs are the bets way to change money, they have very little fees rather than travellers checks. ATMs are also connected to the major networks at airports such as Heathrow and Gatwick. You'll usually get a better exchange rate by withdrawing money at an ATM, but take care because your bank may charge a fee for using a foreign ATM. You may also need a different PIN to use overseas ATMs. You will need to call your bank to check and get a new PIN if needed before you go.
Prices (Cost) The high cost of travelling basics such as transport, accommodation and food means that you will spend at least £50 per day as a budget traveller. This figure climbs higher if you want to use taxis, 3 star hotels, and eat in restaurants.
London and the South East can be up to three times as expensive as other parts of the country.

Eat Many restaurants in city centres tend to be a little more expensive than ones in the suburbs, and pubs do tend to be slightly more expensive in the countryside, but generally, a three-course meal without drinks will cost the traveller anywhere between £10 and £15. Chicken tikka masala with rice is sometimes claimed as the UK's most popular dish, though roast beef is a more traditional national dish.
Restaurants Larger towns have a range of restaurants to suit most tastes and you will find a very broad range of different cuisines, including Indian, Chinese, Thai, French and Italian. Waiters generally expect a 10% tip (but all too often do not get it from the native population) and in some places this is automatically listed on your bill. However, if you are dissatisfied with the service in any way, you are under no obligation to pay the service charge. Generally British people are not great tippers. As a visitor the 10% rule is more than generous and worth sticking to. Visitors from The US and Canada are seen as very generous tippers and even a bit of a soft touch by some.

Londonas, Didžioji Britanija

Trečiadienis 24, Balandis

Straipsnis iš Vikipedijos apie Didžioji Britanija

Jungtinė Didžiosios Britanijos ir Šiaurės Airijos Karalystė (arba trumpai Jungtinė Karalystė, Didžioji Britanija) yra valstybė Vakarų Europoje.

Jungtinė Karalystė susiformavo po keleto unijos aktų, ir susideda iš Anglijos, Škotijos, Velso, taip pat Šiaurės Airijos provincijos bei kai kurių smulkesnių teritorijų, išsimėčiusių po visą pasaulį. Jungtinė Karalystė užima didžiąją dalį Britų salyno (išskyrus didžiąją Airijos dalį, kuri atsiskyrė nuo Jungtinės Karalystės 1922 m.). Kornvalio grafystė, įsikūrusi Kornvalio pusiasalyje, siekia savivaldos, faktiškai nepriklausoma Meno sala.
Description above from the Wikipedia, licensed under CC-BY-SA full list of contributors here.